30+ Best Product Marketing Tools for Your Stack

A reference guide for the best tools for Product Marketers

21 min read
30+ Best Product Marketing Tools for Your Stack

As a Product Marketer, you might be responsible for KPIs like revenue but also tasked with coordinating across multiple teams to launch features and drive adoption.

Product Marketing is a new discipline and the remit is broad. Alongside key skills around organization, communication, and storytelling, you need an acute understanding of the market, your users, and your product.

You also need tools to support your role – whether that's for collaborating cross-functionally or building user onboarding flows. That's why we've put together this list of top product marketing tools.

In this post, we look at tools that form the Product Marketing software stack, across the following categories.

Use the links below to jump, or keep reading for the full list.

  1. Research & Analytics 📊

  2. Collaboration 🤝

  3. Asset Creation 🖼

  4. Marketing 📣

1. Research & Analytics đź“Š

For a marketing campaign to connect with a product's target audience or existing customers, it should be informed by user research, feedback, conversations, and quantifiable data.

"Without customer feedback, you're essentially just playing a guessing game and hoping for the best. Done correctly, customer feedback can determine the marketing strategy of your entire business, your tone and voice, your retention program, and every single line of copy you write describing your product." – Talia Wolf, GetUplift

Data tells stories about the performance of your own product marketing efforts and the experiences of leads and customers.

Capturing, integrating, enriching, and analyzing user data is vital for accurate metrics and anchoring your product marketing in reality, but it's impossible at scale without the right tools. Here are our top recommendations.


Online or off, forms are often a frustrating experience for users. Even still, they're necessary for every business and something Product Marketing Managers will need to create and deploy regularly for tasks like creating content (polls/interviews), market research, and customer feedback. Typeform takes a different approach to forms that makes them feel more like instant messaging than slogging through a huge, gray set of boxes. Its form UX is loved amongst customers, Chameleon included ❤

Beautiful forms are just one part of Typeform; it also acts as a repository for survey data from other apps it integrates with. For example, you could deploy a Typeform survey through a Salesforce campaign and then associate the responses with enriched lead data. Or, use Chameleon with Typeform (and metrics like whether or not a user completed a feature tour) to deliver targeted surveys to specific customer segments in-app.

Pricing for Typeform starts from free, for 100 responses and a maximum of 10 questions per form.


Organizing and running user tests that get meaningful results is a full-time job. And, if you don't have a large user base, you might struggle to get statistically significant data. UserTesting automates this process by sourcing testers, arranging the sessions, and giving you access to the test analytics within just a couple of hours. If you want to get insight quickly on things like product perception or conversion rate, it might be faster and cheaper to outsource it to UserTesting.

Pricing for UserTesting is available on request.


EnjoyHQ is a central hub for your customer feedback and product insights that works by connecting to the platforms where your feedback already lives. It integrates with Intercom, Drift, Delighted, and more, to help make feedback easy to search, categorize, and annotate – regardless of where it came from.

EnjoyHQ's use cases for Product Marketers are broad. You could use the platform to analyze the language customers have historically used to make requests about the feature you just built, or find out more about the demographics and behavioral patterns of a segment of users with feedback themes in common.

Pricing for EnjoyHQ starts at $199 monthly, for 5 team members and 1 integration.


Segment is a simpler way to unify your customer data sources which doesn't require extensive development time and custom integration code to set up. It allows you to combine and standardize incoming data from sources like Intercom, Google Analytics, Clearbit, and Chameleon, which you can then send to your analytics platform of choice. Segment that saves Product Marketers from being dependent on developers, and stakeholders from overspending on engineering.

Pricing for Segment starts from free for 1,000 monthly tracked users and data from two sources.


Clearbit is an API connected to a huge dataset of company information from organizations all over the world. With it, you can enrich data from demo signups, free trial users, and PQLs to get better insight into the audience you're best engaging or converting – then, you can send that data to your customer analytics tools to create better-defined segments.

Pricing for Clearbit's Enrichment API starts from $99/month for 1,000 requests.


Amplitude stores customer data alongside powerful tools that help Product Marketers analyze retention, activation, and the results of growth experiments. Amplitude integrates with your existing data from warehouses like Amazon Redshift, or hooks up to Segment to capture data from any number of the 200 supported connections.

One particularly useful feature to bring marketers closer to the product's performance is Insight, which monitors KPIs to alert you of big or interesting changes, like the best-performing cohort or a drop in active users.

Integrated with Chameleon, Amplitude can show the effect that your in-app marketing campaigns have on retention or activation, and how to optimize them.

Pricing for Amplitude starts from free for the core analytics tools and 10 million tracked actions per month.


Getting insights into how users interact with your product shouldn't require engineering time, but the unfortunate reality is that for many organizations it does.

With Heap, every interaction a lead or customer has with your website or app is tracked without needing that event to be specifically defined to the analytics platform. This means that Product Marketers can find the impact a campaign has on user retention, or the highest-converting audience segment, in minutes after setting Heap up.

Heap integrates with Salesforce to associate behavior with in-app events, and Chameleon to place the performance of your in-product marketing in the wider context of your full customer journey.

Pricing for Heap starts from free for 5,000 sessions per month and 3 months of data history.

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2. Collaboration 🤝

Product marketing works at the intersection of product, sales, and marketing, and should be well-aligned with these departments to understand how campaigns relate to the product, impact sales, and gel with existing marketing strategies. Without the right project management tools and team collaboration tools, this could prove problematic.

"86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures" – Nick Stein, Salesforce. (These Salesforce project management tools will come in handy if you're a user of the platform!)

Here are the platforms we recommend to centralize tasks, create internal policy, and collaborate between cross-functional teams.


Trello is one of the most flexible project management tools out there. It makes planning and executing launches, sprints, and experiments simple because even complex projects can be easily visualized and comprehended at a glance.

With boards, lists, and cards, you can collaborate over tasks and easily indicate their status and who owns the card. Filters and due dates let you sort and organize work more closely, to stay on top of priorities and get a pulse on the things your team is actively working on. Additionally, Trello data integration is available to ease the analysis of work done to gain valuable insights.

Pricing for Trello starts from free for unlimited boards. A business plan that enables permissions and bigger attachment sizes is available from $12.50 per user, per month.


Alignment is essential between Product Marketers and those making decisions on which features are being built because campaigns are most effective when they're informed by real customer needs and product direction.

With Productboard, Product teams get a clean dashboard for feature prioritization, roadmaps, and sprint management. For marketers, it's a way to plan launches around new features and get insight into the feedback that prompted the feature to be built so the marketing material is angled properly.

Pricing for productboard starts from $49/user/month, for 5 contributors and 1 product.

Process Street

Tools that automate work involved in product marketing are one part of the puzzle, but the other half are processes. Are you covering every best practice and channel with your next launch? Is the way you interview users and analyze the results efficiently, and able to be delegated to your team, error-free?

Process Street lets businesses build internal documentation in the form of interactive checklists, with the option to automate work by linking task check-offs with API actions in over 1,000 other apps.

Pricing for Process Street starts from $15/user/month.


ProofHub is an award-winning project management and team collaboration software. You can visualize your processes by creating custom workflows in its Kanban boards.

You can easily carry out brainstorming virtually with real-time discussion topics. With its built-in group chat tool, communicating between teams becomes a breeze. The powerful online proofing tool ensures that feedback sharing and reviewing of creative work is carried out without any struggle.

Flat, no per-user pricing makes it a highly cost-effective option.


Teamwork is a project management tool that allows you to see everything in one place so you can effortlessly manage your team, projects, and product development – from concept to launch.

You can customize your workflow, whether your processes include Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, or other frameworks, and tailor it to suit your team, automate the flow, and save time.

Teamwork gives you a bird's eye view of every project, from milestones to project planning, budgeting, time tracking, and more. This way, you can collaborate in real time with your team and solve problems faster.

Pricing for Teamwork starts from free if you're just starting your project management journey.

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3. Asset Creation 🖼

Working on customer-facing content and collaborating with the product team, a Product Marketer should have a grip on creating and managing assets. Whether that's a mockup of a new UI, a feature demo for sales enablement, or a landing page for a launch. The tools below have this covered.


Continuous collaboration between the Product and Marketing teams helps keep the product direction in line with personas and helps the marketing team develop campaigns early when features are still in the prototype stage.

"In a growth team, marketing can hit the ground running much faster. With marketing at the table from day one, marketing can start building targeting strategies for our users early." – Ryan Ruud, Lake One, on using InVision for product marketing.

InVision is a way for designers, and, of course, web and product designers, to build and get team feedback on early product prototypes. Users can leave comments, and test out the flows and interactions.

Pricing for InVision starts from free for one project.


As a cleaner and more user-friendly alternative to bulkier tools like Adobe Illustrator, Sketch has become wildly popular with Product and Design teams since its release in 2010. Used mainly for web and mobile UI/UX, it's likely Product Marketers will need to be able to open and edit Sketch files proficiently. Sketch files can be converted directly to code, allowing non-technical design collaborators to make optimizations by themselves.

Pricing for Sketch starts from a one-off payment of $99.


Wistia is a business video platform. Product Marketers use it to store content like welcome videos, tutorials, and feature overviews, and then deploy these easily inside the product or in marketing content like emails and landing pages.

Since it's dedicated to video, Wistia offers in-depth analytics that marketers can use to optimize for engagement, dwell time, and conversion. As well as hosting, Wistia's Soapbox product enables marketers to easily create product presentations and announcement videos without needing to use heavy video editing tools.

Pricing for Wistia starts from free for a 3-videos limit.


Subscribe to the Chameleon YouTube channel to learn more about product marketing.

It's an obvious one, but YouTube is a channel that shouldn't be ignored for product marketing. The visual medium is great for explaining new features to users as part of an announcement or giving higher-level product/feature overviews targeted toward specific lead queries.

Google also dedicates a good portion of first-page real estate to YouTube videos, especially for queries like 'how to', 'tutorial', and 'review' – both YouTube's sidebar suggestions and Google search can be ways for leads to discover engaging video content that primes them for product adoption.


Being able to quickly spin up a landing page for an ad without involving the design team, engineering team, and website staff is a benefit that makes you agile; able to quickly iterate and stay ahead of the competition.

Unbounce enables marketers to do exactly that with its clean, simple landing page builder that can deploy highly-customizable landing pages to WordPress, and make it easier for WordPress developers. It also features A/B testing, version control, and code-free development.

Pricing for Unbounce starts from $79/month for 75 landing pages and the core feature set.


Staying agile and adjusting your product marketing in a high-growth company means running experiments and making optimizations that continuously improve the way your campaigns impact product marketing KPIs. Optimizely is an A/B testing tool you can install on your website to deliver different versions of content to select audiences and measure the effectiveness of each.

By constantly running tests, you're learning about user behavior and your audience in a way that competitor research or serial testing often can't match. But, you're usually draining developer resources to manage the experiment itself. With Optimizely, tests are able to be built and configured from a simple web interface, and it comes equipped with a set of tools to measure the performance and statistical significance of your landing page tests.

Pricing for Optimizely is available on request.

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg helps marketers understand how visitors engage with landing pages. How far do users scroll? Where do they go next, and where do they get stuck?

Heatmap tracking shows you the most actively engaged-with parts of the page, and Crazy Egg's analysis tools make recommendations on how to improve the content's conversion rate. Marketers can even make changes without needing developers, by using Crazy Egg to deploy A/B-testable changes to things like page titles, button copy, and more.

Pricing for Crazy Egg starts from $29/month when billed annually, for 30,000 tracked pageviews monthly.


Webinars are a powerful product marketing tool; they can be delivered to targeted customer segments to educate on product features, or to mid-funnel leads comparing solutions. With Q&As and participation, webinars help engage leads and customers personally at scale, in a live environment.

While some companies rely on standard video conferencing tools, Demio is a dedicated platform for running webinars, managing their marketing, and analyzing their performance. Participants won't have to download a tool to attend a webinar, and all of the email follow-ups and attendance link management are handled behind the scenes.

Pricing for Demio starts from $34/month for a maximum of 50 participants per room.


Creating good video content is the responsibility of most Product Marketing teams, from sales collateral to feature demos. Frame.io helps content reviewers easily communicate with creatives like video editors and animators.

Frame.io gives you a central place to store video for internal review, and a platform for leaving comments on any frame or range – so that means no more comments with timestamps and awkwardly annotated screenshots. Plus, its mobile app makes providing revision feedback on video easy when away from the desk.

Pricing for Frame.io starts from $13/user/month.


Marketers use Venngage to create infographics, reports, promotions, and sales enablement material, without heavyweight tools or starting from scratch.

Venngage stores a range of pre-made templates and your custom-branded content, so you can reuse design elements and create a cohesive look across both your lead generation and bottom-funnel content.

Pricing for Venngage starts from $19/month, but for branded graphics and custom templates, it's $49/month.


Visme is an all-in-one content creation tool, meaning assets and pieces of visual content you need can be created right inside one platform. Create infographics, presentations, reports, social media graphics, and product sell sheets, using premade templates, stock photos, and graphic design elements.

Try Visme with a free account, or upgrade to their a paid plan from $39 monthly to access premium templates, a wider range of download formats, and more.

Markup Hero

For fast communication of ideas and feedback, it's always good to have a screenshot and annotation app in your toolbox. Markup Hero is used by product managers, marketers, entrepreneurs, support professionals and all types of job functions to capture, annotate and share content.

Pricing for Markup Hero is free for up to 10 markups per month, or $5/month for unlimited markups, bandwidth, and storage.


Biteable is an online video maker for marketers and product teams. With this tool, you can create social media ads, video pitches, presentations, animations, help videos, and other promotional assets with motion graphics for internal and external communications.

It offers a wide range of stock footage, clips, and images. For each video, you can adjust the style to suit your brand and switch between different formats to fit the channel of your choice.

The Free plan includes unlimited exports with the Biteable watermark, and you can opt for the Plus plan for the price of $19/month or the Ultimate plan for $49/month.

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4. Marketing 📣

The way Product Marketers reach their audience in 2019 is targeted, considered, and personalized to convert leads to different stages of the customer journey.

Here we've focused mostly on the key channels for reaching and nurturing potential customers: email, in-product messaging, and search.


The HubSpot suite of tools is broad, covering CRM, email marketing, meetings, document management, and pretty much every core product a marketer needs. Product Marketers use HubSpot to build and optimize landing pages, embed CTAs in marketing material, and deploy segmented email sequences. HubSpot integrates with Chameleon to coordinate segmented email marketing sequences with in-product campaigns like tours and banners.

Pricing for HubSpot Marketing Hub, which includes CRM, email marketing, and landing pages, starts at $800/month.


Mandrill handles the architecture and infrastructure for transactional emails and lets engineering focus on building the core product.

This helps Product Marketers segment transactional emails, and analyze the performance of emails like product education sequences, feature announcements, and welcome messages.

Pricing for Mandrill starts from $20/month for 25,000 sent emails.


Intercom is a platform that powers lead generation, customer support, and marketing through a flexible in-app widget. Before tools like Intercom, businesses relied on noisy and decontextualized channels like email for things like tech support and delivering automated marketing sequences. Intercom handles all this and more, marketing itself as a complete customer messaging platform.

We use Intercom to deploy chatbots to leads to help them learn more about our product, and as a support channel that makes it low-friction for a customer to reach out. Once a user gets in touch through Intercom, data on the user can be enriched to paint a full picture of that user's interactions and company. This means you can build a database of customer feedback and activity that is easy to leverage for targeted marketing campaigns, either over email or in your app.

Intercom integrates with Chameleon to provide a way to coordinate in-app elements like tooltips and tours with messages from the Intercom chat widget.

Pricing for Intercom starts from $136/month.


Drift is a sales and marketing chat widget that connects website visitors to agents or bots, uncovers anonymous traffic, and allows Product Marketers to build sequences that consist of both on-website chat messages and emails in cadence. This means you can coordinate segment-targeted lead nurturing wherever the lead visits, and reduce noise by keeping the messages always relevant.

Pricing from Drift's core feature set starts from free. The email marketing features are priced at $50/month.


Customer.io is a marketing automation platform for customer communication via email, push notifications, and SMS. Its messaging can be event-triggered – to reach users at the point where it's most relevant – or segment-triggered to target users with certain patterns of behavior or specific demographics.

Customer.io integrates with Segment to send events to your analytics tools, and Chameleon to coordinate product tours with lifecycle emails and SMS to create multi-channel product marketing campaigns.

Pricing for Customer.io starts from $150 per month for products with up to 150,000 users.


Delighted is a customer feedback collection platform for sending NPS and customer satisfaction surveys over email and in-product. The dashboard makes it easy to sort and analyze feedback as well as search responses to get insight into the performance of your product marketing. With Delighted, you could do this by creating thumb or star rating surveys for new features, design overhauls, etc.

Delighted integrates with MailChimp to deliver surveys to your customers' inboxes, and you can integrate with Chameleon to embed feedback capture into modals, tooltips, and other native-style elements in your app or on your website.

Pricing starts from free for 100 surveys monthly.


Chameleon lives inside your web app or SaaS platform and gives Product Marketers a way to build in-app marketing experiences like product tours, banners, and tooltips. Our customers have found that delivering messaging and prompts inside the app – rather than somewhere external like email or blog content – boosts conversion rate because users aren't being forced to switch contexts to take action or find value.

Use cases for Product Marketers include highlighting new functionality as part of a feature announcement, delivering product tours to new users to increase retention, and offering self-serve product education that turns stuck users into experts.

Pricing for Chameleon starts at $99/month.


Ahrefs' backlink analysis and keyword research platform provides a complete look at the demand for products, features, competitors, and search terms over time – both yours, your industry's, and those of your competitors. Plus, by getting a complete look at which sites are linking to and promoting your competitors, you can improve your own tactics and replicate their methods to stay ahead. Keyword research helps Product Marketers identify new trends and questions in their industry's landscape, so as to better angle copy, campaign direction, and SEO strategy.

Pricing for Ahrefs starts from $99/month for 5 tracked campaigns.


While Ahrefs has almost everything a Product Marketer could need for keyword research, AnswerThePublic is unique in that it gets its results from real conversations and questions online – on forums, Reddit, Quora, and so on.

This means that it is great for marketing very specific product features by finding out commonly used phrases used with propositions like "with" (e.g. email templates with two columns), and "not" (e.g. notification not JavaScript).

Pricing for AnswerThePublic starts from free with throttled usage, or from $99/month for unlimited searches and location-based results.

Google Lighthouse

Performance issues can dent a good landing page's conversion rate just because users aren't getting a good experience when they use it. It could be that they bounce because it loads too slowly, or that a button that should be prominent is hidden on certain screen sizes.

When you audit your site and product using Lighthouse, you get back a report of any technical issues that are being detected on the site, across technologies and screen sizes. These items can be raised with the engineering team to improve the effectiveness of your product marketing content and pages.

Google Lighthouse is free and open source.

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đź’ˇ Product marketing examples for inspiration

We've put together an archive of product marketing in action including onboarding tours, feature adoption tooltips, upsell prompts, and more. Learn from the best companies like Slack and Wistia to get inspired when building in-app campaigns.

Check it out in our Inspiration Gallery! Or, to get a hand building your own product marketing experiences with Chameleon, book a demo and speak with an expert.

Get inspired with user onboarding examples from top products

How companies like Airbnb and HubSpot retain new users

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