Toast Notifications

Quick, informative messages to confirm actions or alert users with no interruptions to their flow

What are in-app toast notifications?

Toast notifications are small, nonintrusive messages that appear temporarily at the edge of a user interface to provide feedback, confirm actions, or alert users to updates without interrupting their workflow. They often slide into view (from top/right, etc.) and auto-dismiss after a few seconds, although users may also have the option to dismiss them manually. 

Common use cases for toast notifications

  • Feedback on Actions: Confirm that a user's action (e.g., saving a file or sending a message) was successful

  • Alerts: Notifying users of new messages, updates, or errors

  • Progress Updates: Indicating the status of a background process (e.g., upload progress)

  • Reminders: Briefly remind users of tasks or events

Best practices for toast notifications

  • 1 Keep the content short and succinct; users should be able to scan and understand the message within a few seconds.
  • 2 Use a consistent and simple color scheme (e.g. traffic light) to help users understand the importance of the Toast Notification
  • 3 Don't auto-dismiss messages that the user will need to reference later; instead, allow the user to dismiss them when ready.
  • 4 Consider including a CTA or link to enable users to learn more and use the opportunity to increase discovery and depth for a feature. This can also include a best practice tip to support their usage of your product.
  • 5 Be wary of workflows that may generate lots of toast notifications in sequence and the UX of receiving multiple (how they would appear stacked etc.).

Examples of great toast notifications

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