Chameleon alternatives

Your hub for choosing a product adoption platform

Find the right fit for your team with our always-updated list of Chameleon alternatives and comparisons
  • Chameleon helps our clients get up and running quickly! It was very easy to set up - I was previously using Userpilot, and Chameleon beats it in ease of use and informative reporting. One of the best SaaS products I have ever used.

    <p>Chameleon helps our clients get up and running quickly! It was very easy to set up - I was previously using Userpilot, and Chameleon beats it in ease of use and informative reporting. One of the <strong>best SaaS products</strong> I have ever used.</p>
    Michael Ip
  • Our developers strongly prefer Chameleon to Pendo, and so do I. Chameleon's Tours are superior to Pendo's.

    <p>Our developers strongly prefer Chameleon to Pendo, and so do I. Chameleon's Tours are superior to Pendo's.</p>
    Myra Yip
    Product Manager
  • We moved to Chameleon because of the reliability issues with our previous provider.

    <p>We moved to Chameleon because of the reliability issues with our previous provider.</p>
    Jay Filiatrault
    Director of Customer Success
  • We considered other platforms but chose Chameleon due to the support for our tech stack. Support for shadow DOMs was a must for us.

    <p>We considered other platforms but chose Chameleon due to the support for our tech stack. Support for shadow DOMs was a <em>must </em>for us.</p>
    Vlado Hruda
    Staff Product Manager
  • We assessed many competitors, but Chameleon's features, integrations, and expertise stood out.

    <p>We assessed many competitors, but Chameleon's features, integrations, and expertise stood out.</p>
  • I felt like Chameleon had more upside over time than the others, so that felt like a great fit for where we were as a company.

    <p>I felt like Chameleon had more upside over time than the others, so that felt like a great fit for where we were as a company.</p>
    Gabrielle Shklovsky
    Director of Product
Drive growth with Chameleon

Book a demo to see how Chameleon will work for you

  • Identify product adoption opportunities to self-serve
  • Understand the best product features for your business
  • Decide which plan fits best with your stack and goals

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